Bob Barker is the man. I try to catch
The Price is Right everyday. PisR is so righteous i even went to a taping, it was one of the best days of my life.
It was me and the Infamous Agent Ken arriving around 8 in the morning. There are seats, a place to eat, a shop to get some TPiR souveniers, plus you meet other people in line, its a party. We had to wait in line till around 2pm, then they let you in the studio. On your way into the taping you get 15 seconds to tell the producers whatever you want. From that they decide who "Comes on Down!!" Niether of us got called but we had great seats. The studio is half the size you think it is, quite small. We were sitting a few rows up from contestant row, right underneath a crowd microphone. Agent Ken yelled "Bid $800 dollars!!!!" for everything, as loud has he could up into that mic. He even yelled it when they were spinning the big wheel!! "Bid $800!!!!!" over and over, the people sitting around us were getting slightly annoyed, but we didnt care, well at least Ken didnt. I found myself yelling "Bid $420!!!" as loud as i could. It was a riot. They give you a postcard of Bob when you leave that has the date your show will air (its the well used picture above). I was sure they turned the microphone off that was over us, but when we watched a few days later, all you could hear was us screaming. The entire show almost all your heard was $800 dollars with the occasional $420 blaring from the TV. Ive got it on tape somewhere but i cant find it, sucks. Going to
Television City and catching a taping of TPiR is great free way to spend the day in smelLA.
So here is a great interview with Bob Barker. Bob is the man. Been a vegeterian for years, fights for animal rights, learned karate from Chuck Norris, dreamed of pitching for the St. Louis Carinals as a kid and was signed for $1 a year by Whitey Herzog (time 6:30 in Part I), has hung with Hefner forever, and you know hes been getting some tail from all those playmates that show off the products on the show.
Bob Barker The Price is Right Interview linkThis is just part 6 of 7, its about The Price is Right.
Here is the rest of the story of an amazing man who seems to have a million stories to tell.
Archive of American Television Arts & Sciences Foundation Bob Barker Interview.