Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Whale vs TnT

All i can say is wow. This is an amazing look into the past. Sometimes i have trouble believing how stupid people used to be. This is just amazing.
Whale vs TnT

Saturday, November 26, 2005

The Death Star

Yo, click the photo (i learned some new code!) of Mimas, a moon of saturn. A wicked photo from the cassini spacecraft. Its even got some rings in the background. So cool.

Canadians Trying to Out the Aliens

A former Canadian defence minister who is calling for "Exopolitics" between Earthlings and Aliens, had this to say during a speech.

"The United States military are preparing weapons which could be used against the aliens, and they could get us into an intergalactic war without us ever having any warning. He stated, "The Bush administration has finally agreed to let the military build a forward base on the moon, which will put them in a better position to keep track of the goings and comings of the visitors from space, and to shoot at them, if they so decide."

I believe that the universe is so ginormous there must be something else out there, but I dont believe in UFOs. The distances are so vast between stars, traveling between them just seems a stretch. I have trouble buying into being able to travel faster then the speed of light. Planets such as earth are rare, we are lucky to have one. All the ideas and dreams of colonizing the stars is just sn excuse for us to daydream away and forget what we are doing to the planet we live on now.

Ill admit there is the .009% that wants to believe in UFOs, i allow it for one simple reason. What we have here on Earth is so amazing, such a anomoly, it would be worth traveling further then we can possibly imagine for.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Beer Goggles Explained

"Scientists have figured out why alcohol makes ugly people seem more attractive, otherwise known as the "Beer Goggles" effect."

Yes, these scientists have come up with a mathmatical formula that takes into account the many variables which leads to the attraction to someone you normally might not want to talk to. Simple me thought it was just because of the booze.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Surfs Up!!

You must listen to this show by the Mermen from 11/20/04 in Santa Cruz right now, i mean right now. WTF are you waiting for, now!
When this link pulls up there will be a blue box on the left side the screen titled "The Show". In that box...
Click the "Hi-Fi" link under the heading "Stream Show".
I love Surf Rock, and Mermen know surfer rock, these dudes are legends!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Nukes in Space

"A single nuclear weapon carried by a ballistic missile and detonated a few hundred miles over the United States would cause "catastrophe for the nation" by damaging electricity-based networks and infrastructure, including computers and telecommunications"

My old friend Agent Flying Soucer Man used to always talk about this happening, and what a pain in the ass it would be. Said it was as good an excuse as any to drive an old precomputer car.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Secret Agent Tool # 921

The 900 numbers are Secret Agent emergency items. This is a how to for making your own stove from a Coke and Guiness can. The Miller 2by4 can, can be an added luxury option.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Yet again, Tucked into a Spending Bill...

"The public would never stand for this if it were done in the open, so the provision was tucked inside the huge budget-cutting bill being considered by Congress this week."

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Go Jaguars!!

The return of the Worm, watch out downtown Ceder Valley.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Buy Nothing Day is Approaching

One of my favorite days of the year is coming up, November 25th is the world wide "Buy Nothing" day. Ill let the folks at Adbusters sum it up.

"For 24 hours, millions of people around the world do not participate - in the doomsday economy, the marketing mind-games, and the frantic consumer-binge that's become our culture."

It is so easy to plan ahead and buy what you need, the hard part is to control the need to purchase unecessary junk. I can remember when nothing was open on sundays, everyone got along just fine. Its amazing that in 20 years we have moved to the 24/7 - 365 on demand lifestyle.
This is not the easiest of holidays to enjoy, but can be one of the most rewarding. Be prepared for the barrage of advertisments designed for mesmerizing your senses and captivating your subconscious. All in an effort to subvert the basic logic of your brain. You will be bombarded with price cuts, super discounts, and sales filled with amazingly low prices. Prices we all know will drop again in a mere 32 days, hence they are obvoiusly low prices for overpriced items. Do not fall for the artificial deadline called christmas for purchasing stuff no one needs, a deadline created by the ones doing the selling.
None the less, the sheep will be in full flock.
Be strong this 11/25, be tough, plan ahead, eat leftovers.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Saguaros v Grass

This is a great bit on how foriegn species are changing the Arizona desert, likely forever. Its scary to imagine the southwest without its signature cacti. Just another sign of the changes taking place on the planet.
Saguaros Under Fire via the Tucson Citizen

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Secret Agent Tool #642

Introducing the Turbo Tap.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

For the Last Time...

Ya, i know, for a secret agent i spend a lot of time talking about listening to live music. Well listen up again, i just found the momma of live show resources. Its neatly tucked in of all places. Ill save ya the time of searching and post the link to the browse bands page. Its has 100s, no 1000s of shows. I got as far as streaming My Morning Jackets 10/31/05, and now im rockn out, while logged into matrix to provide you a path to the glory that is a good jam.
There is no reason to sit at a computer in silence!!!!!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Yes, im a Terratarian, i dont eat anything from underwater. Honestly ive never been a fan of flavor, but the way that seafood is harvested by corporate fisheries is destroying our oceans. Think of all the cool fish that died so those vande camps can make it into your freezer, or how many reefs were destroyed to bring you those crab legs. Horrible.

"imagine how the world would react if a mile-wide net attached to a steel bar were dragged across the plains of Africa, scooping up or destroying everything in its path - lions, cheetahs, rhinos, elephants, impalas and warthogs. This, he says, is what modern trawlers are doing every day in the oceans of the world"

Fish are our friends!!! Lobsters are cockroaches!!!

via CommonDreams