Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Little Orange Houses for Me and You

Orange Houses of ."The artistic move is simple, cover the front in Tiggeriffic Orange - a color from the Mickey Mouse series, easily purchased from Home Depot. Every board, every door, every window, is caked in Tiggeriffic Orange. We paint the facades of abandoned houses whose most striking feature are their derelict appearance."
Oddly enough, it seems painting the houses moves them to the top of the demolition list.
This makes me wanna get some paint and go "tiggeriffic" in St. Louis!!
Page Link

Playing the Blogmarket

Blogshares, the Fantasy Blog Stockmarket

Ive stumbled across this website last week, actually T.L.O.T found it. Its a blog stockmarket. Here is my listing , which has actually been listed there for almost a year. There are also these listings for cool people like Corn Dog, Kimblahg, and 704d, but the owners have not claimed them.
I dont fully understand all of it yet, but it seems fun, and a great way to promote my ramblings. I think i found out how to get reindexed, but it hasnt happened yet. Im in the process of a hostile takeover of Inane in the Membrane as we speak!!!!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Agent 010101

Choosing my 1st member of the Secret Agent Dream Team from the fine collection of Star Fleet officers has been quite difficult. After much consideration, the nomination goes to Lt. Commander Data. I cannot pass up the chance to get an android on the team. Hes smart, super strong, except for the switch behind his ear hes almost unstoppable, got a heck of a memory with plenty of RAM. Most improtantly, and you may not think of it as a android trait, Data is always loyal to the team.
His only flaw is that he has a cat, but he named it spot, so ill let it slide.

Starfleet File
Wikipedia Bio

Sunday, February 26, 2006

More of...

What the internet was made for.
RateMyVomit.com, the follow up to RateMyPoo.com, just in case you missed it.

War Bears

I wasted so much time doing it, but i beat this game. Can You?
War Bears


My new favorite word.

Quailtard: farm-raised quail released for the hunters to fire at. As in: "Look, the mere fact that we're even talking about how the vice president drives up with his rich friends in cars to shoot farm-raised wingless quailtards is letting the quail know 'how' we're hunting them"
Rob Corrdry, The Daily Show, 2/13/06

Video Clip this is so funny!!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Its a Car not a Phonebooth!

"Her arm was found near the accident still clutching a cell phone."
May this be a lesson learned.

Saturday, February 18, 2006


That is when i get to call it quits. The expected age for retirement could be 85 years old by 2050. Joy.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Something i find interesting

"We're trying to get off the first-market consumerism grid, because consumer culture is destroying the world."

My thoughts exactaly. In this country you can get anything used, buying new is for suckers. These folks are extreme though, not sure if i can get that far "off the grid", yet.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Play the Maze!

Test your skills, coolest game ever!! Doesnt get cool till level IV. Works best with sound.
Play the Maze!!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Ray Bradbury Likes Monorails

"The freeway is the past, the monorail is our future, above and beyond"

He pushes for a monorail system in smelLA in this article he wrote for the Times.
Story Link

Tattoos, Piercings, & Much More

If you like that kinda stuff, here is the link for you.
Some insane bodymods. I found them through this posting.
Anchor Cuttings

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Coyotes in the Windy City

This is a cool article about how wolves have adapted to live in the big city.
Coyotes in Chicago

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Secret Agent Dream Team

This is my new way to find something to talk about. Im creating a new crack team, the SADT. They dont have to currently be secret agents, or have ever been one, they just gotsta have da skillz. They can be good guys or bad guys, since this team is on our side.

Up 1st, and the inspiration behind the Dream Team, the former member of the Volksfrei Movement, I present Hans Gruber. Secret Agent 600, as in 600 million he tried to steal from Nakatomi.

"I wanted this to be professional. Efficient, adroit, cooperative, not a lot to ask. Alas, your Mr. Takagi did not see it that way, so he won't be joining us for the rest of his life."

Hans has the complete package, style, patience, team building skills, brains, and connections. All that, plus hes ruthless. Just the kinda guy you want on your side. Thats as long as you arent going after John McClane, and who is dumb enough to go after John McClane.

Hans Gruber
Movie Villians bio of Hans
Wikipedia for Hans Gruber
Die Hard Quotes

Secret Agent Tool #303

Tick Remover for Pets and People
from cool tools

Friday, February 03, 2006

I would so klepto these as well...

Amsterdam 'No Toking' Signs Being Pilfered