I Said Gerrymandering!

Ive always wanted to use the word gerrymander in a sentence. Not just any sentence, a sentence that uses the word in present tense, as in happening as we speak, today, like in 2005. I never thought i would have the chance.
I remember history class a kid (i even remember the picture used in the previoius link from my books! Do you?) and the word gerrymander seemed to come up often, and everytime i would giggle. It was a funny word, a word no longer needed, one whose use had run its course. Gerrymandering was a thing of the past, a relic, no way it could happen in todays world.
Well here it is.
Tom DeLays redistricting plan inacted by the Texas legislator is going before the Supreme Court in a case that could prove gerrymandering was used to help republicans gain a majority.
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