Sunday, January 29, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
Secret Agent Tool # 23

For about $89,000 you can get this cool mini plane that goes almost 130 mph. With a range of 1080 miles and a 34 gallon tank, thats over 30 mpg. @ $4 a gallon thats less then 140 smackers. You could cover 1000 miles in 8 hours.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Space is Trashed
$25 million for a trip into space and all i saw was 9,000 pieces of space garbage.
Story Link
Story Link
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Since everthing sold by Wham-O is made in china, it seems only logical that the business was bought by a chinese company.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Advertising would be Illegal
if i was king.
It would be like the 4th rule. I believe that advertising is one of the core problems in todays society. The images and ideals that toy with emotions in order to push products are bad enough, but behind the scenes lies the more sinister plans and plots.
The Big Brother of Orwells socialist vision has turned out much different in this capitalist world we are in. In 2006 people are not commonly watched for reasons such as subversion of the state, or thinking for themselves. Big Brother is a business man. Hes keeping tabs on the people in order to sell them things, things that for the most part no one needs.
A world of consumers not citizens.
Big Brother 2006 doesnt even need cameras. You the consumers are followed and tracked with the plastic cards you use to buy stuff. That precious info is then sent to a database, where it is saved. That little cubby hole grows everytime you plug in that club card, visa card, debit card, and/or discount card. Where, when, what, how, on sale, quantity, even how long since the last.
Once that information is combined, processed, and SOLD, the prophets cry out... You might like this, its time for that, have one of these on me, and most amazingly, since your driving by stop in for some of this.
There is no where to hide, you are a consumer.
I digress..
Here is what started this rant anyway.
"Marketers said they were particularly excited about the prospect of eventually using cell phones, many of which are equipped with global positioning systems, to send ads to consumers based on their location."
So... End rant.
It would be like the 4th rule. I believe that advertising is one of the core problems in todays society. The images and ideals that toy with emotions in order to push products are bad enough, but behind the scenes lies the more sinister plans and plots.
The Big Brother of Orwells socialist vision has turned out much different in this capitalist world we are in. In 2006 people are not commonly watched for reasons such as subversion of the state, or thinking for themselves. Big Brother is a business man. Hes keeping tabs on the people in order to sell them things, things that for the most part no one needs.
A world of consumers not citizens.
Big Brother 2006 doesnt even need cameras. You the consumers are followed and tracked with the plastic cards you use to buy stuff. That precious info is then sent to a database, where it is saved. That little cubby hole grows everytime you plug in that club card, visa card, debit card, and/or discount card. Where, when, what, how, on sale, quantity, even how long since the last.
Once that information is combined, processed, and SOLD, the prophets cry out... You might like this, its time for that, have one of these on me, and most amazingly, since your driving by stop in for some of this.
There is no where to hide, you are a consumer.
I digress..
Here is what started this rant anyway.
"Marketers said they were particularly excited about the prospect of eventually using cell phones, many of which are equipped with global positioning systems, to send ads to consumers based on their location."
So... End rant.
Monday, January 16, 2006
Algae!!!!! Woo Hooo!!!!!!
It seems that the earth may be saved from global warming!!!
Super Algae!!!!
Super Algae!!!!
You Tell'em Big Al
Even though he says hes not running for President again, Veep Gore has had a lot to say lately.
"Is our Congress today in more danger than were their predecessors when the British army was marching on the Capitol? Is the world more dangerous than when we faced an ideological enemy with tens of thousands of missiles poised to be launched against us and annihilate our country at a moment's notice? Is America in more danger now than when we faced worldwide fascism on the march-when our fathers fought and won two World Wars simultaneously?
It is simply an insult to those who came before us and sacrificed so much on our behalf to imply that we have more to be fearful of than they. Yet they faithfully protected our freedoms and now it is up to us to do the same."
Speech Link
Please take the time to read.
"Is our Congress today in more danger than were their predecessors when the British army was marching on the Capitol? Is the world more dangerous than when we faced an ideological enemy with tens of thousands of missiles poised to be launched against us and annihilate our country at a moment's notice? Is America in more danger now than when we faced worldwide fascism on the march-when our fathers fought and won two World Wars simultaneously?
It is simply an insult to those who came before us and sacrificed so much on our behalf to imply that we have more to be fearful of than they. Yet they faithfully protected our freedoms and now it is up to us to do the same."
Speech Link
Please take the time to read.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Friday, January 13, 2006
Adult Swim & Widespread Panic
Some cartoons crashed the Widespread Panic New Years Eve show. I know most of you are fans so i hijacked some links
Skillet On Drums
Ingnignot and Errs early countdown
The real Coundown by Aqua Teen Hunger Force and friends
Thanks to the dudes at WSPsitisfied.
Panic also does the theme to the show Perfect Hair Forever.
Skillet On Drums
Ingnignot and Errs early countdown
The real Coundown by Aqua Teen Hunger Force and friends
Thanks to the dudes at WSPsitisfied.
Panic also does the theme to the show Perfect Hair Forever.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Sit-n-Ski 1996
Sit-n-Ski, 5 Disks worth of STREAMING classic Panic.
This is an amazing compilation put together by the great folks over at PanicStream.
This is an amazing compilation put together by the great folks over at PanicStream.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
El Pollo es Malo?
I havent quite decided what to think of this whole H5N1 thing. Is bird flu really the apocalypse, or is it just more made for TV hype keeping the price of ad time up for CNN? Since my opinion is the only one that matters, its important that i get to the facts ya know.
So far ive learned...
Dont kiss dead chickens.
Actual information from the CDC.
Facts about Bird Flu from the World Health Organization.
The safest place to get bird flu might be a Virgin Atlantic flight.
more to come...
So far ive learned...
Dont kiss dead chickens.
Actual information from the CDC.
Facts about Bird Flu from the World Health Organization.
The safest place to get bird flu might be a Virgin Atlantic flight.
more to come...
Monday, January 09, 2006
For Mr. H
My history teacher in high school thought he was so cool because he had a copy of the Zapruder Film. He taught some interesting parts of US History, or at least i remember it that way. Big in the labor movement and robber barons of the industrial age. Andrew Jackson smashing the Bank of the United States, and the...
The Zupruder Film. It was an actual film, probably the last film i ever watched in school. The VCR was taking over, banishing the filmstrips and projectors to the back of the AV rooms and the cellers of Roosevelt Elementary schools everywhere. I like to think of this change as a huge defining generational moment. Those that had filmstrips and clicking films with fancy cases and big white screens. Then the people that have no idea how horrible it was to get chosen to advance the filmstrip whenever it would beep. I degress...
Some dude has stablized the Zapruder Film and says he figured out who killed JFK. This all seems cool, till you realize, since he stabalized it by changing it, he could of done anything to it, so how can you believe anything?
Someone said a few years ago that technology is advancing so far in imaging, soon you will not be able to believe any picture. Changes and fakes would be impossible to find. Sometimes i wonder if that day has come. Watch any advertisment, the mountians in the back are fake, the model is touched up, the product is made of wax then digital grease is added. I digress...
For you Mr. H...
The Zapruder Film Original & Reduex
A great play by play of the event here...
JFK Film Hoax
And of course for fun...
Fake Cosmo Girl
The Zupruder Film. It was an actual film, probably the last film i ever watched in school. The VCR was taking over, banishing the filmstrips and projectors to the back of the AV rooms and the cellers of Roosevelt Elementary schools everywhere. I like to think of this change as a huge defining generational moment. Those that had filmstrips and clicking films with fancy cases and big white screens. Then the people that have no idea how horrible it was to get chosen to advance the filmstrip whenever it would beep. I degress...
Some dude has stablized the Zapruder Film and says he figured out who killed JFK. This all seems cool, till you realize, since he stabalized it by changing it, he could of done anything to it, so how can you believe anything?
Someone said a few years ago that technology is advancing so far in imaging, soon you will not be able to believe any picture. Changes and fakes would be impossible to find. Sometimes i wonder if that day has come. Watch any advertisment, the mountians in the back are fake, the model is touched up, the product is made of wax then digital grease is added. I digress...
For you Mr. H...
The Zapruder Film Original & Reduex
A great play by play of the event here...
JFK Film Hoax
And of course for fun...
Fake Cosmo Girl
Saturday, January 07, 2006
I love to root for the Underdog!
GREAT FALLS, Mont. - A cow that escaped a slaughterhouse dodged vehicles, ran in front of a train, braved the icy Missouri River and took three tranquilizer darts before being recaptured six hours later. News of the heifer's adventures prompted a number of people to offer to buy the animal.
Story Link
Well written article, makes you wonder what kind of chase scene James Cameron could put together for the movie version of "Escape from the Slaughterhouse!".
Id donate 5 bucks to save that cow!!!
Story Link
Well written article, makes you wonder what kind of chase scene James Cameron could put together for the movie version of "Escape from the Slaughterhouse!".
Id donate 5 bucks to save that cow!!!
Friday, January 06, 2006
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Monday, January 02, 2006
Talk Over the Net
I finally found a use for that PC microphone that came with that pentium 1 gateway clunker i had years ago. That microphone that was buried in a box of computer cables and floppy disks, under a shelf, in the way back corner of the basement, 3 weeks after i got it. Still cant believe i found it, much less use it.
Anyway check out...
This is kinda cool. Its free for people to talk from pc to pc. Ive only got one person to talk to so sign up and call me at jackirons009.
Anyway check out...
This is kinda cool. Its free for people to talk from pc to pc. Ive only got one person to talk to so sign up and call me at jackirons009.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
I cant believe another year bit the dust.
2006... This is gonna be the year!!
Only 365 days till 2007!!
There was this bit on NPR the other day about what will we call this decade in the future. Its been so easy for every other decade that i never really thought about it before. We have the 90s, the 70s, the 50s, the 30s, even the teens... Never hear about the 00s do we?
What do you think it should be called?
Listen to the NPR story
2006... This is gonna be the year!!
Only 365 days till 2007!!
There was this bit on NPR the other day about what will we call this decade in the future. Its been so easy for every other decade that i never really thought about it before. We have the 90s, the 70s, the 50s, the 30s, even the teens... Never hear about the 00s do we?
What do you think it should be called?
Listen to the NPR story