For Mr. H
My history teacher in high school thought he was so cool because he had a copy of the Zapruder Film. He taught some interesting parts of US History, or at least i remember it that way. Big in the labor movement and robber barons of the industrial age. Andrew Jackson smashing the Bank of the United States, and the...
The Zupruder Film. It was an actual film, probably the last film i ever watched in school. The VCR was taking over, banishing the filmstrips and projectors to the back of the AV rooms and the cellers of Roosevelt Elementary schools everywhere. I like to think of this change as a huge defining generational moment. Those that had filmstrips and clicking films with fancy cases and big white screens. Then the people that have no idea how horrible it was to get chosen to advance the filmstrip whenever it would beep. I degress...
Some dude has stablized the Zapruder Film and says he figured out who killed JFK. This all seems cool, till you realize, since he stabalized it by changing it, he could of done anything to it, so how can you believe anything?
Someone said a few years ago that technology is advancing so far in imaging, soon you will not be able to believe any picture. Changes and fakes would be impossible to find. Sometimes i wonder if that day has come. Watch any advertisment, the mountians in the back are fake, the model is touched up, the product is made of wax then digital grease is added. I digress...
For you Mr. H...
The Zapruder Film Original & Reduex
A great play by play of the event here...
JFK Film Hoax
And of course for fun...
Fake Cosmo Girl
The Zupruder Film. It was an actual film, probably the last film i ever watched in school. The VCR was taking over, banishing the filmstrips and projectors to the back of the AV rooms and the cellers of Roosevelt Elementary schools everywhere. I like to think of this change as a huge defining generational moment. Those that had filmstrips and clicking films with fancy cases and big white screens. Then the people that have no idea how horrible it was to get chosen to advance the filmstrip whenever it would beep. I degress...
Some dude has stablized the Zapruder Film and says he figured out who killed JFK. This all seems cool, till you realize, since he stabalized it by changing it, he could of done anything to it, so how can you believe anything?
Someone said a few years ago that technology is advancing so far in imaging, soon you will not be able to believe any picture. Changes and fakes would be impossible to find. Sometimes i wonder if that day has come. Watch any advertisment, the mountians in the back are fake, the model is touched up, the product is made of wax then digital grease is added. I digress...
For you Mr. H...
The Zapruder Film Original & Reduex
A great play by play of the event here...
JFK Film Hoax
And of course for fun...
Fake Cosmo Girl
Comments on "For Mr. H"
No biggie. I do it all the time. One of the base foundations of piratedom (piratehood?) [Piracy] is to never believe what you can see. The only real thing in the entire world is the internet!