Thursday, January 19, 2006

Advertising would be Illegal

if i was king.
It would be like the 4th rule. I believe that advertising is one of the core problems in todays society. The images and ideals that toy with emotions in order to push products are bad enough, but behind the scenes lies the more sinister plans and plots.
The Big Brother of Orwells socialist vision has turned out much different in this capitalist world we are in. In 2006 people are not commonly watched for reasons such as subversion of the state, or thinking for themselves. Big Brother is a business man. Hes keeping tabs on the people in order to sell them things, things that for the most part no one needs.
A world of consumers not citizens.
Big Brother 2006 doesnt even need cameras. You the consumers are followed and tracked with the plastic cards you use to buy stuff. That precious info is then sent to a database, where it is saved. That little cubby hole grows everytime you plug in that club card, visa card, debit card, and/or discount card. Where, when, what, how, on sale, quantity, even how long since the last.
Once that information is combined, processed, and SOLD, the prophets cry out... You might like this, its time for that, have one of these on me, and most amazingly, since your driving by stop in for some of this.
There is no where to hide, you are a consumer.
I digress..
Here is what started this rant anyway.
"Marketers said they were particularly excited about the prospect of eventually using cell phones, many of which are equipped with global positioning systems, to send ads to consumers based on their location."
So... End rant.

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