Monday, April 23, 2007

Killer Kat

If you like fluffy bunnies... Youve been warned.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Richie La Bamba Rocks it with Panic....

Check this awesome clip from Conan, circa 1995....

La Bamba is gettin down!!!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

A bit of WSP

I went to kansas city for a couple of shows, then picked up a couple of ladies in st louis and headed down to carbondale for another.
Jimmy Herring is incredible, hes bringin the band up and challenging them. I cant wait till he really learns the songs. Wow!!!
Id like to give a shout out to team I-29 and The Monkey, a couple secret agents out of memphis, and the dude who got his hatfield. Good times.