One of my favorite days of the year is coming up, November 25th is the world wide "Buy Nothing" day. Ill let the folks at Adbusters sum it up.
"For 24 hours, millions of people around the world do not participate - in the doomsday economy, the marketing mind-games, and the frantic consumer-binge that's become our culture."It is so easy to plan ahead and buy what you need, the hard part is to control the need to purchase unecessary junk. I can remember when nothing was open on sundays, everyone got along just fine. Its amazing that in 20 years we have moved to the 24/7 - 365 on demand lifestyle.
This is not the easiest of holidays to enjoy, but can be one of the most rewarding. Be prepared for the barrage of advertisments designed for mesmerizing your senses and captivating your subconscious. All in an effort to subvert the basic logic of your brain. You will be bombarded with price cuts, super discounts, and sales filled with amazingly low prices. Prices we all know will drop again in a mere 32 days, hence they are obvoiusly low prices for overpriced items. Do not fall for the artificial deadline called christmas for purchasing stuff no one needs, a deadline created by the ones doing the selling.
None the less, the sheep will be in full flock.
Be strong this 11/25, be tough, plan ahead, eat leftovers.