Monday, October 31, 2005

The Rainforest

Check these pictures of the drought and destruction taking place in the amazon rainforest.
Yahoo Picture Show

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Secret Agent tool #426

Check out this Igloo maker.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Shrubs Speechalist

This is funny, a mockumentary of Dubyas speech writer. Andy Dick, your fricken hilarious. I miss newsradio.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Real Big Brother

Passports to get RFID chip implants

The government is going hightech on USA passports starting in october 2006. They are adding Remotely Readable Microchips that contain all kinds of vital information, including a picture. This normaly would affect nobody, since americans dont have passports. More folks are gonna be carring them soon since the bureaucracy changed the rules, it will begin requiring passports for trips to mexico, canada, and the caribbean. I for one carry mine everywhere, if someone who makes $5.50 an hour has been given the power by the government to ask "Papers Please" for me to buy beer or papers, thier gonna see the official ones. This is being sold as a way to stop fakes, ha! It is another attempt/exploitation by the man to invade our privacy via the unfound fears he sells full of terrorists since 911.
Its a way to track US cititzens, period. I can understand why, since like many americans i believe anyone who would be interested in visiting another country must be unamerican and/or a commie. Not.
This new "transmitter" can be thought of as a "beacon" of sorts, emiting your information to anyone who finds a way to pull it out of thin air. The "safety" features that would prevent someone from reading them are inept to say the least, and from what some write even the code used is bunk. The links in this article are also quite interesting.
Then again, as a secret agent this could help me in some ways... ha... haha... haaa!!!
I wonder how tough these chipy things are against a hammer?

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Big Brother

This Drivers License Database is scary!!!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Go Blues!!!!!

Ya, i really didnt want to watch hockey again after what happened last year. Bunch of babies. That was over after seeing one game, cause i still love to watch hockey. Its great to be a purest, i miss the red line as much as anyone, but it just dumb and stubborn to give up on hockey all together. I miss Ken "Oh Baby" Wilson more then anything. The game is just hella fun to watch, so why be a baby like the players, enjoy!!
Since nobody knows whos on the St Louis Blues anymore, its time to study up. We gotta make the playoffs, we have for 25 frickn years, lets not give it up now.
Saint Louis Blues Official NHL website
ESPN Team Clubhouse for the St. Louis Blues
St Louis Post Dispatch Blues News
Sports Illustrated Blues Page
Lets Go Blues Fansite

Friday, October 21, 2005

Know your Neighbor

Check out this link to Joy... One down the street from me. Just try to imagine who/what else the man could use this technology for.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Why do i avoid this thing sometimes?

I always find myself surfing the net and saving webpages that i should "blog" about. When it comes time to actually coming here, putting it all together and posting it... Well, sometimes manufacturing a post feels like writing that long paper in school, the one thats not really due for another week, so you can just do it later. All the while the reality of it is that it was totally due yesterday, cause ill never have another chance at that/this point in time, ever, ever, ever again to do something somewhat creative, that has the chance to last for well longer then i ever will. This could be in a "Museum of Early 21 Century" as collection of the mass Blogs that were created at the dawn of the Digi Age. An insight to a world 600 years old. Dude... im cooked.

Anyway, some crap ola for the melon that has been accumulating in my favorites bar for bloggifying.

A watering hole in Africa from National Geographic Interactive Edition. Ive never actually seen anything here, that might be one of the reasons i never posted it. Wait holy shite, there is something there now as i pulled up the link, gotta go check back... Not sure what it is, but it sure is thirsty... I think its a gazelle... Still drinking... Gee, i guess if you only get one chance to go for a drink cause you could get eaten... I had to go back... Waiting for a big splash everytime i go back... Greg the Gazelle was just walking away as i went back, surley a gazelle. That was fricking cool, that took like 4 minutes, for anyone who cares, wow. Lottsa bugs.
Yet another Reason to love Wally World. Thanks
Another Reason i wanna live somewhere with better weather.
I have this one saved so i can check for my dream ride... Someday, either a 1968 Chrysler 300 or a 1968 Chrysler Imperial Leberon. That dude selling one right now is asking "goofy" fricking money. Or my other dream ride... Wheres the 49 Fleetline 4 Door... Im ready to buy!!!!
Cool T-Shirts, but alas, i never buy at, still fun to window shop.
This Photoshop was kinda funny at via

Jeez i hope that keeps ya busy for awhile...

Oh ya, nice new layout for Gyarg!!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Kill your Television!

I have often said that if i was king of the world one of the laws i would hand down would be that advertising would be illegal. Please take the time to read this speech by Al Gore about the effects of television on democracy in America.

This is just one of the many key points in this speech,

"Inexpensive metal printing presses were almost everywhere in America. They were easily accessible and operated by printers eager to typeset essays, pamphlets, books or flyers.
Television stations and networks, by contrast, are almost completely inaccessible to individual citizens and almost always uninterested in ideas contributed by individual citizens."

Gore 2008!!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Heres your Miracle! has tons of shows to download, and tons more to stream!!